Recent Real Story Group Blog Entries

JSR-170: standard worth watching

Web Content Management is notable for its dearth of industry-wide standards. But now, at the impetus of Euro-CM vendor Day, a group has formed to create a "Java Specification Request" (JSR-170 for those of you counting at home) to create a standard API for access to disparate content repositories within the J2EE environment.

Personal Portals

In a recent CMSWatch interview, Dave Winer shared a vision of personal content management.

ArsDigita, R.I.P.

ArsDigita, the open-source CMS and community-collaboration services company founded by Web-database guru Phil Greenspun, has called it quits.

On the Minds of CIOs

Every year Gartner Group surveys 1500 corporate CIOs to understand their priorities for the coming quarters.

Caching at the Edge of the Network

In WCM there is always a tension between caching content closer to visitors for performance reasons versus doing useful real-time processing like dynamic navigation or personalization.

Got Those Section 508 Blues?

US federal requirements for website accessibility known as Section 508 (and the similar W3C User Agent Accessibility Guidelines) require special HTML tagging.

What We Think About Web Services

CMSWatch is high on Web Services for the same reason everyone else is: instead of just hypertext we'll have hyperservices.

The Microsoft CMS Dilemma

The MS Content Management Server (formerly nCompass Resolution) just won a Crossroads 2002 A-List award.

Is XML the Best Language for Taxonomies?

Sometimes not, according to information architecture guru, Peter Morville. In a long piece (with several other good nuggets), he argues that a relational model better suits large taxonomies.

Not Crossing the Chasm

CMS Watch readers know that we often look favorably on old-line DM vendors, who tend to understand complex content structures and sometimes offer strong XML support.