Taxonomy Management Tools: A Comparative Evaluation

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The taxonomy management tool marketplace is rapidly evolving. As corporate requirements for search and content management have intensified, so has the demand for tools that help organizations create, administer, and publish semantic structures. There are a number of fully-featured taxonomy management tools from which to choose, and each vendor has tackled the problem of managing vocabularies from a different angle.


So how do you figure out which one is right for your context? This advisory paper reviews a collection of leading enterprise-level taxonomy management tools:

  • Semaphore Ontology Manager (Smartlogic)
  • Synaptica
  • Data Harmony Thesaurus Master
  • TopBraid Enterprise Vocabulary Net (TopQuadrant)
  • Intelligent Topic Manager (Mondeca)

Learn about each tool's key strengths and weaknesses, what add-on modules are available, and SharePoint integration capabilities. Find out which vendors excel in multilingual vocabularies, ontologies, governance, and cross-mapping.